part-time In short, part-time jobs have been replacing full-time ones. This began with the recession — and it has happened in past recessions — but this time, it`s different because this situation has now persisted for about four& ...
teen part time jobs
A new CIBC report suggests that a growing number of older workers are taking on part-time jobs, which in turn is pushing up the unemployment rate among teenaged students.
One of the themes that has been common today in the discussions about low wages for fast food workers involves whether those jobs should be considered starter jobs, or “pin money” jobs, rather than jobs one would raise a& ...
For the fourth consecutive summer, teen employment has stayed anchored around record lows, prompting experts to fear that a generation of youth is likely to be economically stunted with lower earnings and opportunities in years ahead. ... This is a Great Depression for teens, and no time in history have we encountered anything like that,” said Andrew Sum, director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston. “That`s why it`s such an& ...
part-time In short, part-time jobs have been replacing full-time ones. This began with the recession — and it has happened in past recessions — but this time, it`s different because this situation has now persisted for about four& ...
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